"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18
Are your eyes wide open to see what you can't see? Mine are, always. And what I have seen and heard is my Lord Almighty reaching out to me. He is telling me come to the well. Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." - John 4:13-14
For the past 2 weeks this story in the Book of John, chapter 4 has been right in front of me. The first time was on a Tuesday evening at VBS aka Vacation Bible School. I was a floater and was asked to help out with the pre-school group, helping other crew leaders. Then I was asked to help my husband out teaching the Bible story to the preschoolers. And the story that night was John, chapter 4 - Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman. This is a story about a sad woman coming to the well and meets Jesus for the first time. Now I have already met with Jesus several times. No, I am not talking about dying and coming back to life. I am talking about going through trials and tribulations and Jesus carrying me through. The next time this story came up was when I was on my way to pick up my foreign exchange student; I was listening to a Christian radio station that plays music but also has preaching on it. And at that moment the pastor was preaching about the Samaritan woman and Jesus at the well. The third time it came up was when I was starting a book club for the first time- "Women Living Well." Throughout this book there is one commonality- coming to the well and drinking the water Jesus gives to us.
Now I knew Jesus was trying to tell me something but what? I was already coming to the well and drinking but I was obviously missing something. Chapter 3, How Thirsty Am I was the topic and the focus was God. Do I really know Him and understand Him? He is ...
Our Creator, Everlasting, Does Not Grow Weary or Tired, Gives Strength to the Weary, Increases Power to the Weak. "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." - Isaiah 40:28-29
On this day I asked him to renew my strength, I wanted to walk and not be faint, run and not grow weary, and soar like an eagle.
It wasn't til the day after my birthday I figured it out. I began to see what God was trying to tell me. He was actually preparing me for my birthday and the things to come that day. It was not a great day and seems as if they never really have been great days for me. As a kid, having birthday parties was difficult because everyone was always away because it was summer and a holiday the very next day, so not many people would show up. As an adult, well I just never really felt special on that day. Sure people wish me happy birthday but the ones I was closes to seem to have forgotten or they didn't put much effort into showing me that they cared. They would just verbally say "Happy Birthday" when I would love to have a received a card expressing their thoughts and feelings. Or taking a load off the daily grind of household chores but that never seems to happen. I am not looking for any pity just showing you what God was trying to show me. Do you see?
I got it! God was trying to keep me strong by keeping me in His Word, not to be weary, showing me He Loves Me! And that is the most important thing, not what others can do for me on my birthday.